Welcome to Gunnersbury Park Museum Collections Online.
You can search for items in our collection by using the "Search the collections" box above. If you would like to see all the items in our collection then please leave the search box blank and then press search
To create a more specific search, please click the "Show search options" link under the search box. This will display further search options. You can also consult 'Themes', 'Archive' and 'Collections' tabs to view various sub-collections (for example, the Roy Gough photographic archive) and disciplines (such as Fine Art). We will be adding items to this database gradually as we work with our collections.
You can search for items in our collection by using the "Search the collections" box above. If you would like to see all the items in our collection then please leave the search box blank and then press search
To create a more specific search, please click the "Show search options" link under the search box. This will display further search options. You can also consult 'Themes', 'Archive' and 'Collections' tabs to view various sub-collections (for example, the Roy Gough photographic archive) and disciplines (such as Fine Art). We will be adding items to this database gradually as we work with our collections.