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RG/3/14/1 - Photograph of Sheila Sim with camera, from West of Zanzibar [View Details]
RG/3/14/2 - Photograph of Village dance scene, from 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/3 - Photograph of Village dance scene, from West of Zanzibar [View Details]
RG/3/14/4 - Photograph of Harry Watt and Anthony Steel in dhow with local crew and a cameraman, possibly Paul Beeson [View Details]
RG/3/14/5 - Photograph of River ferry crossing. Unidentified crew and local people [View Details]
RG/3/14/6 - Photograph of four dhows at sea [View Details]
RG/3/14/7 - Photograph of five unidentified local people, clapping [View Details]
RG/3/14/8 - Photograph of unidentified local people, dancing, singing, drumming [View Details]
RG/3/14/9 - Photograph of unidentified local people, laughing and gasping [View Details]
RG/3/14/10 - Photograph of unidentified local young woman, smiling [View Details]
RG/3/14/11 - Photograph of unidentified local men dancing and drumming [View Details]
RG/3/14/12 - Photograph of unidentified men catching a sea turtle and dragging the turtle onto their boat [View Details]
RG/3/14/13 - Photograph of sunset behind two dhows at sea [View Details]
RG/3/14/14 - Photograph of unidenitifed young woman as in RG/3/14/10 [View Details]
RG/3/14/15 - Photograph of unidentified men fishing, off set for 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/16 - Photograph of unidentified local young man, taken whilst filming 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/17 - Photograph of unidentified local men, dancing and drumming, taken whilst filming 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/18 - Photograph of unidentified local man, and Sheila Sim, taken whilst filming 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/19 - Photograph of unidentified local boy, with crowd in the background, taken whilst filming 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/20 - Photograph of Harry Watt, dragging sea turtle to shore, taken whilst filming 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/21 - Photograph of Edric Connor dressed as a local chief, taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/22 - Photograph of profile of unidentified man, taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/23 - Photograph of town scene with Sheila Sim looking up at unidentified man carrying basket on his head, taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/24 - Photograph of Sheila Sim driving a car stuck in mud and being pushed out by two unidentified local people, taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/25 - Photograph of Anthony Steel with unidentified local man, taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/26 - Photograph of underwater camera being lowered into sea for a diving camera man to use. Unidentified men. [View Details]
RG/3/14/27 - Photograph of underwater cameraman. Unidentified diver. [View Details]
RG/3/14/28 - Photograph of unidentified continuity girl typing on the beach, unidentified local men looking on. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/29 - Photograph of Sheila Sim talking to young child. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/30 - Photograph of Anthony Steel, python and unidentified man. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/31 - Photograph of unidentified Caucasian boy and unidentified local man smiling in front of hut. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/32 - Photograph of Sheila Sim and unidentified local man smiling and looking at knife sheath. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/33 - Photograph of Anthony Steel bathing in a canvas bath. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/34 - Photograph of unidentified dancers including young woman in RG/3/14/10 and RG/3/14/14. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/35 - Photograph of unidentified local man smoking large pipe. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/36 - Photograph of unidentified local boys showing Anthony Steel a chamaeleon. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/37 - Photograph of unidentified local dancers. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/38 - Photograph of unidentified local young children playing on a trolley cart. Taken off set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/39 - Photograph of Edric Connor. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/40 - Photograph of dhow fishing group at sea. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/41 - Photograph of unidentified man blowing horn at sea. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/42 - Photograph of Anthony Steel and unidentified men neck deep in water. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/43 - Photograph of seaside filming scene set up. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/44 - Photograph of flotilla of three dhows at sea. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/45 - Photograph of continuity girl typing on the beach, surrounded by young boys looking on. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/46 - Photograph of unidentifed group of crew and local people, with dhow in the background. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/47 - Photograph of two unidentified local women whispering. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/48 - Photograph of three men on boat with sign and film section sign on display. Taken on set of 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]
RG/3/14/49 - Photograph of Sheila Sim wearing zebra print gloves and bag. Promotional for 'West of Zanzibar' [View Details]