Browse Archive

RG/2/1/1 - Photograph of garden showing cherry blossom, possible Ealing home [View Details]
RG/2/1/2 - Photograph of Beryl Booth in Libya, working as a Continuity Girl [View Details]
RG/2/1/3 - Photograph of boats on the river, bridge and factory buildings (Thames in London?) [View Details]
RG/2/1/4 - Photograph of a snowy street with trees in the foreground, possibly Ealing [View Details]
RG/2/1/5 - Photography of chicken & calf [View Details]
RG/2/1/6 - Photograph of the industrial landscape with children gathered by the wall in the foreground [View Details]
RG/2/1/7 - Photograph of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican with a fountain and the clergy in the foreground [View Details]
RG/2/1/8 - Photograph of the wing of a flying plane taken from inside [View Details]
RG/2/1/9 - Photograph of the plane engines taken through the window of the flying plane [View Details]
RG/2/1/10 - Photograph of the meandering river taken through the window of the flying plane [View Details]
RG/2/1/11 - Photograph of the airport apron [View Details]
RG/2/1/12 - Photograph of two man and three children in front of the ruined house [View Details]
RG/2/1/13 - Photograph of bombed ruins of the Hansa Theatre in Hamburg, destroyed by Allied Forces in World War II [View Details]
RG/2/1/14 - Photograph of the track, carriages with a locomotive and people [View Details]
RG/2/1/15 - Photograph of the carriages with people inside and a slogan in Russian saying: "Welcome to the heroes of world war" [View Details]
RG/2/1/16 - Photograph of two trucks and a group of excavating people in a concentration camp setting [View Details]
RG/2/1/17 - Two photographs: a train and people gathering along the tracks; a group of prisoners leaving a concentration camp/labor camp (?) [View Details]
RG/2/1/18 - Two photographs: Goering's car; shot from a cannon [View Details]
RG/2/1/19 - Photograph of Roy Gough (?) in a soldier uniform, sitting on a (BMW?) motorcycle [View Details]
RG/2/1/20 - Photograph of Roy Gough (?) in a soldier uniform, next to a plane wreck with a swastika on its tail [View Details]
RG/2/1/21 - Photograph of Roy Gough (?) in a soldier uniform, next to a military truck [View Details]
RG/2/1/22 - Photograph of "The Shiralee" movie crew [View Details]
RG/2/1/23 - Photograph of one woman and seven man, third from left probably Roy Gough [View Details]
RG/2/1/24 - Photograph of two black children next to a Coca Cola refrigerator [View Details]
RG/2/1/25 - Photograph of Roy Gough (?) on the street [View Details]
RG/2/1/26 - Photograph of several people, probably Roy Gough in the background [View Details]
RG/2/1/27 - Photograph of four men, probably Roy Gough on the left [View Details]
RG/2/1/28 - Two photographs/postcards (?): a boy sitting on a bench; a soldier sitting on a chair next to a small table + the reverse [View Details]
RG/2/1/29 - Photograph/postcard (?) of a teenage girl in a scout uniform, carrying roller skates + the reverse, both sides with inscriptions [View Details]
RG/2/1/30 - Four photographs showing bicycles and a motorcycle with a sidecar with unidentified people [View Details]
RG/2/1/31 - Five photographs showing cars from different time periods, including Roy's MGA Roadster and Beryl's Morris Minor [View Details]
RG/2/1/32 - Photograph of a group of people in front of a bus and "The Prince of Orange" pub [View Details]